AI summary
The Twelve Tenma Goddesses, also known as the Twelve Eternal Mothers of the Earth, were originally local deities of the Bon religion, with territories spanning across Tibet. They were later subdued by Guru Padmasambhava, who bestowed upon them secret Dharma names, and they became protectors of Buddhism.
These twelve goddesses are divided into three groups: the four demon goddesses, the Renowned Earth Mother, the Shale Sustaining Earth Mother, the Samantabhadra Earth Mother, and the Queen of Demons Earth Mother; the four Yaksha goddesses, the One-Eyed Earth Mother, the Virtuous Consort Earth Mother, the Fierce Victorious Earth Mother, and the White Dragon Queen Earth Mother; and the four medicine goddesses, the Tibetan Sustaining Earth Mother, the Great Universal Savior Earth Mother, the Beautiful Ice Heart Earth Mother, and the Emerald Clever Earth Mother.
Renowned Earth Mother
She holds a dragon serpent in her right hand and a treasure vase in her left, riding a red horse, and protects Lake Namtso.
Shale Sustaining Earth Mother
She holds a lotus scepter in her right hand and an nectar vase in her left, riding a white snow lion, and protects Mount Everest.
Samantabhadra Earth Mother
She holds a vajra club in her right hand and a plate filled with jewels in her left, riding a brown wolf, and protects Mount Lha-ri.
Queen of Demons Earth Mother
She holds a drum in her right hand and a treasure mirror in her left, riding a garuda, and protects Lake Yamdrok.
One-Eyed Earth Mother
She holds a treasure sword in her right hand and a rein in her left, riding a grey mule, and protects Mount Lapche.
Virtuous Consort Earth Mother
She holds a sickle in her right hand and a nectar vase in her left, riding a divine deer, and protects Mount Karri.
Fierce Victorious Earth Mother
She holds a mani jewel in her right hand and a vajra lasso in her left, riding a grey donkey, and protects Mount Machen Pomra.
White Dragon Queen Earth Mother
She holds a blue lotus in her right hand and a vajra bell in her left, riding a tiger, and protects Lake Dromar.
Tibetan Sustaining Earth Mother
She holds a colorful arrow in her right hand and a treasure vase in her left, riding a horse, and protects Mount Kongpo Gampo.
Great Universal Savior Earth Mother
She holds a makara staff in her right hand and a dharma wheel in her left, riding a green dragon, and protects Mount Loro.
Beautiful Ice Heart Earth Mother
She holds a long spear banner in her right hand and a lasso in her left, riding a grey mule, and protects Nagalingshan.
Emerald Clever Earth Mother
She holds a long silk scarf in her right hand and a plate of five sense offerings in her left, riding a yak, and protects Mount Yufeng.
Red-Tongued Dakini
The Red-Tongued Dakini is one of the eight offering goddesses of Kongpo Shang, and a worldly protector related to Tibetan medicine. The Red-Tongued Dakini has a wolf's head with three eyes, red hair, and wears a skull crown. She is adorned with ornaments and her four hands hold a vajra chopper, a vajra hook, a human head, and a kapala bowl. She rides a white nine-headed bird.
Mount Yala Shampo Deity
The Mount Yala Shampo Deity is dressed in Tibetan robes, holding a mongoose in his left hand, symbolizing his ability to bring wealth, and a long spear in his right hand. He sits sideways on a yellow treasure horse.